Data on classical markers variation (xls.file)

Russian Gene Pool databank

About the Russian Gene Pool databank
The Russian Gene Pool databank was created by Oleg Balanovsky, Ivan Gorbachevich and Elena Balanovska in 2000-2003, supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant 01-07-90041 to EB). The number of the databank in Russian federal register of the databases and databanks is 022-030-9536. The Russian Gene Pool databank contains data on variation of classical markers and anthropological traits in Russian populations. The databank contains the published data on classical markers variation collected by the authors from the literature. The data on physical anthropological trais have been compiled from literature by Eugeny Deryabin into the KanoKlas programme and kindly provided to the Russian Gene Pool databank.

How to refer to the Russian Gene pool databank
The Russian Gene pool databank. Elena Balanovska, 2003.

Get the data
Here we present the main corpus of the data from the databank, namely the frequencies of the 35 alleles (13 loci), extensively studied in the Russian populations. This dataset (with restriction to the populations from the historical Russian area) was used for creating the synthetic map of classical markers variation ("main scenario" of the Russian gene pool).
The rest of databank information (not presented here) dedicates to the loci weekly studied in the Russian populations, this data will be presented on this page later.

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